68 John Fleming/Ryan Samp
68 Rick Kirkbride/Benny Hayes
69 Tony King/ Billy King
70 Mickey Winkler/Bill Haas
70 Neal Pearson/Joe Wenzel
71 Tim McClintick/John Floyd
71 Bob Kooy/Gary Toubeau
71 Dave Tealbey/Greg Fletcher
71 EZ Bill King/Jeff Pohl
71 Dan Kirwan/ Bill Leroy
73 Dan Sordelet/Fred Girardini
74 Steve McDowell/Reno King
Only 6 shots separated the 1st and 12th place team. Ryan Samp and John Fleming edged out Benny Hayes and Rick Kirkbride in a scorecard playoff. Both team shot 68 but the tie was broken on the number one handicap hole which Ryan and John birdied. Tony and Billy King finished a distant 3rd at 69. Team B.King/T.King won the longest drive, Team Kirwan/Leroy won closest to the pin on 7 and Team McClintick/Floyd on 17 and Team Fleming/Samp won longest putt. A special thanks to our corporate sponsors Gander Mountain, Speciality Imports, Pepperidge Farms, Hooters, Bill Leroy and Greg Fetcher for their contributions. Without these generous sponsors, this event would not be the greatest tournament on the planet. Another special thanks to all the players who participated. Save the date for the last Sunday in August 2011.
We have 3 tee times for next Sunday at Kellogg starting at 8:45 am. Let me know if you want to play. We have 2 openings
IN - Tony King, Benny Hayes, EZ Bill, Bill Haas, Dan Sordelet, Reno King, Steve McDowell, Jerry Schraeder, Jeff Pulfer, Tim Stiel
OUT- Gary Toubeau, Tim McClintick